Saturday, August 16 - 11:00 a.m.
Entries may consist of sheep,
goat, pig, calf - both animal and
exhibitor should be dressed to compliment each other.
Premiums: $15.00, $12.00, $10.00, $8.00, $6.00
Premiums Offered: $193.00
All Other Entries Receive $5.00
26-06-00-00 .....................................................................3rd Grade & Under
26-06-01-00 ............................................................4th Grade thru 6th Grade
26-06-02-00 ......................................................... 7th Grade thru 12th Grade
26-07-01-00 ................................................................“Best of Show” $25.00
26-07-02-00 .................................................. Reserve “Best of Show” $15.00