A. All stalls, pens, chutes, etc. located on the grounds of fairs and exhibitions shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with a disinfectant approved by USDA, APHIS between each scheduled fair or exhibition.
B. All livestock (except poultry) which enter fairs and exhibitions shall be accompanied by an official veterinary health certificate with individual permanent identification or sufficient description to identify each animal. Certificates for this purpose shall be valid for ninety (90) days from date of issue. (Tennessee livestock only – out-of-state certificates are valid for thirty (30) days from the date of issue.)
C. No animal showing clinical signs of infectious or communicable disease shall be allowed to enter or remain on premises of fairs or exhibitions. It shall be the responsibility of the manager of each event to assure prompt removal of such animals.
II LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY ORIGINATING WITHIN THE STATE OF TENNESSEE. (Certificates of VeterinaryInspection Valid for a Period of Ninety ( 90 ) Days)
A. SWINE: All swine which enter fairs and exhibitions shall be accompanied by an official veterinary health certificate with individual permanent identification or sufficient description to identify each animal.
B. CATTLE: All cattle which enter fairs and exhibitions shall be accompanied by an official veterinary health certificate with individual permanent identification or sufficient description to identify each animal.
1. Sponsors of poultry shows or exhibitions shall notify the Tennessee Department of Agriculture at least thirty (30) days prior to show or exhibition.
2. All poultry assembled at shows or exhibitions shall be accompanied by evidence of a negative test for Pullorum-Typhoid within ninety (90) days or originate directly from a flock which has been certified as Pullorum-Typhoid Clean under the Tennessee Poultry Improvement Plan.
3. Poultry found not to be in apparent good health shall be removed immediately from any show or exhibition.
D. HORSES AND OTHER EQUIDAE: Horses and other Equidae six (6) months of age and older must have a negative Equine Infectious Anemia test within the preceding twelve (12) months.
1. All sheep imported into or through Tennessee shall be accompanied by an official health certificate and be in compliance with 0080-2-1-.02, and Title 9, Code of federal Regulations, Part 79.1 through 79.4.
2. All sheep that move within the state, with the exception of wethers under the age of eighteen (18) months that are produced for slaughter only, including for change of ownership, shows, fairs, expositions or slaughter shall be permanently, individually identified by a method approved in Title 9, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 79.1 through 79.4.
1. Goats imported into or through Tennessee shall be accompanied by an official health certificate and be in compliance with 0080-2-1-.02, and Title 9, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 79.1 through 79.4.
2. Goats imported into Tennessee for immediate slaughter to an approved slaughter establishment or to an approved livestock market for sale to a slaughter establishment shall only be required to have a transportation document and be in compliance with Title 9, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 79.1 through 79.4.
3. All registered breeding goats, goats that have been commingled with sheep, goats for exhibition and dairy goats that move within the state, including for change of ownership, shows, fairs, expositions or slaughter shall be permanently, individually identified by a method approved in Title 9, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 79.1 through 79.4.
G. CAMELIDAE: Camelids must have an official veterinary health certificate as provided in Rule 0080-2-3-.01 (1).
H. CERVIDAE: Captive Cervidae must have an official veterinary health certificate as provided in Rule 0080-2-3-.02 (1).
Livestock and Poultry entering fairs and exhibitions from areas outside the State of Tennessee shall be subject to current Tennessee import requirements. Please contact the state veterinarian’s office regarding questions or recent changes to these rules. These interstate requirements are summarized as follows:
A. ALL SPECIES (except poultry): Official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection valid for thirty (30) days.
B. CATTLE: Certificate of Veterinary Inspections and additional requirements as follows:
1. Tuberculosis: No requirements. Owners of Michigan, Texas, Minnesota, New Mexico and California origin cattle should contact the state veterinarian’s office for further information.
2. Brucellosis: Test eligible cattle - Intact male or female cattle eighteen (18) months or older (vaccinates and non-vaccinates).
Certified Herds - No test
Class Free States- No test requirements.
Class A - Negative test within thirty (30) days.
1. Breeding Swine:
a. Thirty (30) day negative test for pseudorables, or
b. Originate from Qualified Negative Pseudorabies Herd, or
c. If four (4) months of age or older:
1. Negative test for brucellosis within thirty (30) days or
2. originate directly from a Validated Brucellosis- Free Herd, or
3. Originate directly for a Validated Brucellosis- Free State.
2. Feeding Swine:
a. Thirty (30) day negative test for pseudorabies, or
b. Originate from Qualified Negative Pseudorabies Herd, or
c. Originate from Pseudorabies Monitored Herd, or
d. Originate from a herd in a Stage III, IV or V state in the National Pseudorabies Eradication Program.
D. HORSES AND OTHER EQUINE: Animals six (6) months of age or older - negative equine infectious anemia (Swamp Fever) test within twelve (12) months.
E. POULTRY:Originate directly from a Pullorum-Typhoid Clean Flock, or be accompanied by evidence of a negative Pullorum-Typhoid test within ninety (90) days.
1. All sheep imported into or through Tennessee shall be accompanied by an official health certificate and be in compliance with 0080-2-1-.02, and Title 9, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 79.1 through 79.4.
2. All sheep that move within the state, with the exception of wethers, under the age of eighteen (18) months that are produced for slaughter only, including for change of ownership, shows, fairs, expositions or slaughter shall be permanently, individually identified by a method approved in Title 9, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 79.1 through 79.4.
1. Goats imported into or through Tennessee shall be accompanied by an official health certificate and be in compliance with 0080-2-1-.02, and Title 9, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 79.1 through 79.4.
2. Goats imported into Tennessee for immediate slaughter to an approved slaughter establishment or to an approved livestock market for sale to a slaughter establishment shall only be required to have a transportation document and be in compliance with Title 9, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 79.1 through 79.4.
3. All registered breeding goats, goats that have been commingled with sheep, goats for exhibition and dairy goats that move within the state, including for change of ownership, shows, fairs, expositions or slaughter shall be permanently, individually identified by a method approved in Title 9, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 79.1 through 79.4.
H. CAMELIDAE: Same requirements as for cattle.
I. CERVIDAE: Certificate of Veterinary Inspection and additional requirements as follows:
1. Brucellosis: Same requirements as for cattle.
2. Tuberculosis:
a. All cervidae shall originate in herds which have had a negative herd test for tuberculosis within twelve (12) months with a USDA approved single cervical test and individual imported animals shall be negative to the single cervical test within thirty (30) days of entry; or
b. Animals not originating in tested herds as described above must test negative to two (2) single cervical tests at least ninety (90) days apart, the second test conducted not more than thirty (30) days prior to entry.
Note: (Contact an accredited veterinarian for further details of import rules).
IV Fair Association or exhibition or management shall inform exhibitors of the rules of this chapter, and shall notify the State Veterinarian or his agent of any violations. Exhibitors shall present evidence of compliance with this chapter to the State Veterinarian or his agent upon request.
These rules constitute a minimum legal standard and in no way restrict the right of fair and exhibition managers to establish additional or more stringent requirements.