2024 UT Eastern Region 4-H
HSE - Horse Show - Eastern Region
Breed 01 - Horse Show - Eastern Region

Class 070 - Hunter Pony Conformation (Geldings) 58 Inches and Under - Junior (Grades 4 - 8) << Previous Class        Next Class >>       

  Entry# Place Exhibitor Name County Grade Horse's Name  
  377    1    Emma G Carter Blount 6 Nickel  
  383    2    Kaylee Hackbarth Blount 4 Bean Burrito  
  399    3    Sara Ray Blount 4 Aries  
  422    4    McKenna DeLong Knox 8 Katherines Royal Pride  
  409    5    Abby Knott Roane 8 Bust Your Bubbles  

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